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So say it loud and let it ring
We are all a part of everything
The future, present and the past
Fly on proud bird...
You're free at last.
We love you
Deceased Members SHS 1965 - Recent Notices
Who Loves You - Franki Valli & The Four Seasons
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Our sympathy goes out to the family and friends of our classmate, Dan

Daniel Brindley, of Castalia, passed away Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at his home. He was born in Sandusky to Don and JoAnne Brindley. During high school he played football and was a member of the swim team, holding a record for the fastest 50 meter freestyle for many years. After graduation he worked for Scott Paper Company until he joined the Navy. Dan served on two aircraft carriers (USS Independence and USS America) and was extremely proud of being a veteran.
He retired from Davis Besse Nuclear Power Plant after 30 years as a journeyman building on his earlier years in security working part-time for the Erie Co. Sheriff, Castalia Police and Cedar Point Security. He and his wife loved to travel, boat and fish, and watch NASCAR...but treasured his family, friends, and family pets.
He is survived by his wife of 58 years, Sue, their two children and 5 grandchildren. Ransome Funeral and Cremation Service, Castalia was in charge of the arrangements.
January 24, 1947 - November 13, 2024
Our sympathy goes out to the family and friends of our classmate, Ron

K. Ronald Bailey passed away peacefully July 10, 2024 after a lengthy illness. His death was marked with a front page tribute in the Sandusky Register giving him remembrance for his more than 40 years of service in the community. He graduated from BGSU Summa Cum Laude in 1979. He received his law degree from Cleveland Marshall 1n 1982, while working days as a tool and die maker at New Departure for 17 years.
His first law practice was in Huron and he later founded the his own law practice in downtown Sandusky within the old 3rd national Bank building. His son continues this law firm in the same building. Working primarily in criminal defense, he was a champion for redemption, justice and faith till the very end. As a distinguished trial lawyer, he was well-known across the state and country, lecturing and teaching other lawyers. He was a founding member and past President of the Ohio Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, and life member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and member of the Erie County Bar Association.
He dedicated 40 years of his life to the practice of law ensuring that the accused received the best representation possible. While he loved automobile racing, painting and all things French, he spent much of his spare time reaching out to others. He was passionate about his faith, active in supporting missions and organizations that helped those in need.
Ron is survived by his wife of 50 years, Lynn, and his sons Matthew (Josh), Thomas (Rebecca), Kenneth (Dawn) and four grandchildren.
There will be a service for Ron at Faith Church, Sandusky on July 19. In lieu of flowers or gifts, the family asks that any donations to be made in Ron's name to CityStrong in Sandusky where a room will be named in his honor. This suite will be one of many rooms that will provide a safe place of hope, housing and supportive services to local families and children for many years to come.
The above information is a compilation of his obituary (Koch Funeral Home) and an article in the Sandusky Register.
July 30, 1947 - July 10, 2024
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Brenda (Stovall) Abrams-Parker
Beverly Alexander-Wiley
Patrica Amerine
Rodger Atkison
K. Ron Bailey
Charles Baum
Patricia Bennett
John D. Biecheler
Paul Barnum
Daniel Brindley
Jim Brown
Norman Bolyard
Denny Boger
Chester Burkey
Susan Brown Elliott
Mary Bryner
David Buehrle
Tim Callan
Cathy Canby-Wellman
Daneen Carris White
Sue Clark-Miller
Candy Close
Craig Close
Marianne Cole
Ronald S. Cooper
Marla Crecelius Faulkner
Joseph Cross
Jill Curtis-Shrock
Julius Pete Davis
Patrick Dolan
Terry Dunlap
Darlene Dunkle Salzgeber
Caren Dewey Kaufman
Marsha Dewey Dietenbach
David A. Ebner
Michael Eckhardt
Elaine Faulkner Esposito
Virgil Ewers
Robert Febbo
Richard Frissell
Niles Fuller
Sarah Geary Bressler
Ronald Gerold
Dennis 'Denny' Gilbert
David Golden
Janet Golden
Brenda Graham
Charles Green
Robert Gundlach
Joyce Hampton-Scherf
James Hammon
John Harmon
Nancy Harp-Lemmon
James H. Harris
Christine Hartlieb Smith
Linda Hartung Tobey
Dennis King
Lynda Hoelzer King
Lannie Howell
Richard Hummel
Nelson Hunt
Joanne Kilgore-Gerold
Mike Hartwig
Terrence Karbler
John Kautz
Karen Krawetzki Schoewe
Joyce Knighton-Jackson
Charles Johnson
John Johnson
Michael Johnson
Diane Kaufman White
John Kautz
Harry "Leon" Kimberlin
Louis Klein
Bonnie S. Koehler Saleski
Laura Koehler Kubitz
Robert Kowalk
Lowell Kriss
Michael LaGrass
Jerry Lawrence
Barbara Lay Tajkowski
Barbara Lehrer-Hebrank
Linda Lewis-James
Diana Lipp
Larry Livengood
Patricia Lutz-King
Karen Market
Vicki Matter-Simpkins
Halvin Mayfield
Glenn Maus
Faye Mickens-Maston
Maureen McRobbie-Johnson
Leroy Moore
Dan Neese
Patricia (Patsy) Nickle-Dehn
Gary Seavers
William Sharp
Peggy Siegel-Batz
David Smith
Dwain Smith
Geraldine Smith-Mischler
Doris Nearhood Snyder
Ann L. Stein-Hart
Thomas Pappas
Janice Parent-Steinberger
E. Frances Pearson
Robert Pepitone
Charlotte Peterson-Harkelroad
Richard Pfleiderer
Hildegard Peterman
Donald Pitcher
Shermane Potter
Robert Quick
Thomas Randall
Robert Reynolds
Ronald Riesterer
Donna Roth-Mazza/Steiert
Wallace "Sonny" Robinson
Cheryl Rushing Costello
Gloria Russell Wood
Robert Scally
Warren Schmidt
Bender Scott
Gary Seavers
Nancy Sheeler-Davlin
T. Clayton Slusher
Charles Speakman
Alan Stein
David Steinberger
Gary Thompson
Robert Tobey
Carol Toney Collier
Carl Trimarche
Robert Twardzik
Enrico Vaccaro
Earl Van Barg
Diane Wadsworth Roe
Carolyn Walters-Dietenbeck
Don Wangler
Larry Weller
Steven Wiegand
Mark Wilkins
George Williams
Patti Wobser Grega
Patricia Wonder Bahnsen
Jack Zieber
We are bound by the traditions of the past and our respect and honor for our life's adventures since high school.
Our website offers special thanks to all of our '65 classmates who continue to share information about our other classmates.
If you find any omissions or errors please let us know at
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